Audio/Video Gallery

Virtual Tour of the 2019 Young at ‘Art Exhibition I curated and put together for Young at ‘Art one of Cool it Art’s main projects.

Video made about Young at ‘Art one of Cool it Art’s main projects; which came 2nd in Resident Project of the year in Sept 2017. This film premiered at the first annual Young at ‘Art Exhibition in February 2018.

Taking inspiration from the 2015 Big Draw theme “Every Drawing tells a Story” we collaborated with Storytellers to create a multifaceted 5 day event at Vauxhall City Farm; children could draw their story of their visit to the farm, students from City & Guilds of London Art School would capture each day and it’s visitors on a collaborative large scale drawing, I illustrated stories being told in real time by the storyteller and children could make up stories with the storyteller they could then illustrate together on the wall. Storyteller: Bronia Evers from One Moment in Time Theatre

Working with year 7 students from Oak Grove College a school for students with PMLD (Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties) we created these multi sensory beach huts with sound, smell and things to touch exploring the natural environment of the seaside and man’s interaction with the seaside in 2010.

audio coming soon

audio coming soon